
Busy Bee and Her Handsome Bro

I had the honor of meeting the "S" kids yesterday for a fun play date. Mom had asked if we would be using props. I explained at this age I just like to capture the kids being kids. And that's just what we did...
Well Mr. M is 4 and as cute as a button. He is a big fan of his little toy cars. His favorite seemed to be the police cars. They parked and kept guard over our stuff during our shoot :)
Then there's the little sister, Miss J, 16 months, and a busy little bee! From the moment we started shooting she was on the go, full run, almost the entire time. Not to worry tho, I first curled my toes up to keep on the flip flops and then quickly decided it was time to kick them off and chase! I have several of the back of her, because apparently I wasn't the coolest thing at the park to explore that day. haha. But, I assured mom I'd capture "them" and I think I did, running or not...
Here are a few of the sneak peeks... Enjoy

I just love this one of Big Bro in the background waiting as little sis runs to him!