
Whoa, Where did the Time Go?

Well in case you all are wondering I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. Though if you've been checking in on the blog or even facebook it may seem like it. I am very much still alive. I've been in and out of Ohio, completely consumed with life (health, friends, family, and church)! -Not to mention the untimely death of my laptop that took me completely offline (and unable to edit) for almost 2 weeks. But I'm back! However, my new decade resolution was to spend less time online and more time in the world (but not of the world). I am still a web junkie, and have to spend several hours editing a week; I've just had to implement a "work" schedule! Out of respect to my marriage and recognizing I need to sometimes take a little me time, I'll be doing business Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturday and Sunday sessions will be offered with limited availability and at a higher premium. All voice mails, texts or emails received on the weekends will be returned during normal business hours M-F.

I apologize to those of you who were put on hold, had long waits and return times, and were ignored during my absence!

I'm excited to have a fresh plan, for all parties involved, and I look forward to a fun successful rest of the year!