
Charlotte 9 months

This little angel is precious to me! She is not only one of my Watch me Grow babies, but also one of my fav little girls. Her mommy and I have been friends for a while. We use to work together! (Those were some fun nights!!)
I remember a couple years ago when I had my first session with mommy, daddy, and Puppy Dog Flynn! They were one of my very first "clients" when I was fresh out of school!
Well, I was super excited when she found out she was pregnant! And I was so happy to be the chosen photographer for little Miss Charlotte! She was one of the prettiest newborns I had ever seen. I can't believe how fast she's grown! She is gorgeous if I must say so myself! She has the most captivating eyes! I've never seen eyes as dark as hers pick up light and reflections the way that hers do! I'm always so happy with her images... And, this session did not disappoint! Char is 9 months now and we had a little play date as the park. Here are just a couple of my fav's so far!
Enjoy the sneak peeks!

This little table was given to her by an Aunt! So cute!

I love her being modest here... hahaha

The flower was bigger than her head, but I loved it!

Lauren I'm anxious to finish this session! Talk to ya next week ;)